Show Success

Posted By On Sep 2015 | 0 Comments

It’s been a great weekend for Honeyfield Alpacas.

Firstly Honeyfield The Valiant aka Valdo as he’s more affectionately known, was entered into his first halter show in Scotland.

Valdo now coming into his fourth year, is a big strapping, working male who has spent his days at Flandernoss Alpacas busy making beautiful babies.

Due to his cracking temperament the need has never arisen to halter train him until now. Bless his little cotton socks within a week he was fully halter trained and I’m very proud to say that he behaved impeccably at the show.

The Valiant came 1st in the adult white class and went on to take the reserve Supreme Champion Sash.

Big Congratulations to all at Flandersmoss Alpacas and especially to Katie, who halter trained him and took him in the ring.

The half brother to Valdo is Honeyfield Angelo, and he’s my top working stud here at home. Angelo’s fleece was entered this weekend in the Heart of England fleece show, which is presently the biggest fleece show in Europe.

Angelo took the Supreme Champion title at this show in 2013, and even though he’s getting older now we still enter his fleece every year as it is still so lovely.

Every year he wins his class and this year was no exception. He again got a 1st but this time in the Senior class with a massive score of 82. To say I feel very honored to have this boy in my herd is an understatement 🙂

Winning prizes as a male is all well and good but the true value of a stud male is in their cria, can they sire quality?

Well Angelo can you? Oh boy!!! yes you can:)

The first of your Daughters to leave home for pastures new was Honeyfield Simply Sizzling, she was purchased by a very astute breeder in Ireland, Roger & Elaine Clarke of Amberly Alpacas.

Roger & Elaine searched long and hard for a white girl to add to there breeding program and we feel very privileged that they decided that Sizzle was the one they’d been searching for.

Sizzle left home at ten months old and shortly after her arrival in Ireland won a Supreme Champion Sash for her new owners.

This past weekend Sizzle’s fleece was also entered in the Heart of England Fleece show, where she took 1st in the junior white class. She proceeded to win the Champion Sash, Best of British and to finish Reserve Supreme Champion.

Huge congratulations to all at Amberly Alpacas, I hope Sizzle’s gives you many years of success and more importantly some beautiful cria.

Which brings me back to nicely to Angelo, and the trip home from Yesterday’s show.

We were buzzing as you can imagine, but not so much that we missed seeing a chainsaw artist at work.

To cut along story short, this guy was amazing and has agreed to do a life size carving of Angelo. How awesome would that be?

Off now with my camera to try and capture the perfect picture.





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