
Posted By On Aug 2014 | 0 Comments

Yesterday saw the arrival of our penultimate cria, just one more to go and then we are done. Not much longer to wait I hope, especially seeing the size of our last pregnant female, she is just huge, the walk has turned into a definite waddle.

Lady Ruffo was the star of the show yesterday, her cria was the last due sired by Angelo, he now has a son and OMG what a little boy he is.

Lady Ruffo was the dam of Imposition our amazing herd sire who improves everything he covers and also dam to my first supreme champion Intrepid, so from her we always expect great things.

Angelo was the questionable factor, being a supreme champion does not automatically guarantee he will make an amazing sire. A good sire yes, his genetic makeup dictates as much, but could he go that extra distance and consistently produce better than himself.

After evaluating his final cria, it’s glaringly obvious the massive input Angelo’s has had in all his little ones. Angelo you’ve ran a mile, happy days, I’m doing the dance. 🙂

Let me introduce our first little boy born on the farm this year, named in honor of his father’s achievements, Honeyfield Evolution.

Honeyfield Evolution - elite alpaca for sale

Honeyfield Evolution - elite alpaca for sale

Sire: Angelo

Dam: The Hermitage Lady Ruffo

Lineage: Spartacus, NWA Ruffo


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