The alpacas, dare I say it? are enjoying the summer now it has finally arrived, I’m certainly keeping my fingers and toes crossed that it stays that way for a while 🙂
The forecast say’s it going to be good here for at least the next two weeks, but I’m not holding my breath, every time I check it’s changed and normally for the worsts, so I’m not looking any more.
The alpacas now their shorn spend most of the afternoon sprawled out on the grass sunbathing.
I am slowly becoming accustomed to their playing dead routine, reassurance inevitably occurs with a twitch of an ear or a flick of a tail.
Those blasted chickens however are still a pain, they will insist on sunbathing in a pile and I know it’s not really a new born cria lying there in the distance but every time I look out and see them I can’t help but jump into action.
I managed to get some pictures of them today can you see why I jump, or is it time to revisited the opticians?
Would you believe there’s actually three or four chickens in that pile 🙂
Somebody else who has been enjoying the sunshine has been my youngest child Lauren and her boyfriend Terence.
Terence took Lauren away to Malta last week as a surprise for her 21st birthday, lucky Lauren.
They got back to the UK last night fit to burst with tales of all the things they did and saw, especially there day out swimming with the dolphins.
The pictures are amazing, this is definitely something I would love to do.
Maybe one day, hint hint, Neil if your reading this blog and you would like to surprise me
Yeah! and what’s the saying “pigs might fly”, the nearest I’m going to get to swimming with dolphins is splashing around in a water trough full of goldfish 🙂