Dora the matriarch of my alpaca herd, is in her element, I just hope she’s not going to take a leaf out of my book and start singing 🙂
Why is she so happy? Because she’s getting to spend time in the barn because of this rubbish weather.
I have no idea why, but Dora just loves the barn, she would stay in there 24/7 if I let her. Her name should really have been Hector and we could have put a big sign on the barn saying Hector’s House. I’m showing my age now, how many of you remember that children’s programme?
I think we’ve been lucky so far with this recent storm, it’s been nowhere near as bad as we were expecting, although that could be dangerous to say as it’s not over yet, the wind is certainly picking up this evening.
I left the barn door open for the girls today because of the heavy on/off showers, they all prefer the barn over their field shelters, when the showers are really heavy.
During a shower off period, I watched all the little girls have one of their mad moments racing round the paddocks blowing of steam and noticed one was missing from the melee.
How observant of me, not really, it was the only brown in the village, Coco Chanel 🙂
The poor little mite was missing out on all the fun as she was with her mother, you guessed it in the barn.
I quick smart, turfed an indignant Dora out so Coco could go and play too. What a waste of time that was, no sooner had I turned my back on her, than the old baggage had marched back in, with Coco in tow. I give up!!! 🙂
Dora is definitely grooming that girl to take her place as matriarch, god help me 🙂
Having them in the barn over night gave me the chance to have a rummage through all the cria’s fleeces this morning.
Five of the girls are the first offspring from my boy Angelo and I can’t tell you how excited I was to see just what, he had sired.
All of them being girls had already earned him brownie points of course, but to get a gold star, their fleeces needed to be good, very good.
Sorry about the quality of the pictures, the light’s not too good in the barn and boy can those girls wiggle.
It’s still very early days, but the boy has done good. All five have his amazing greasy feeling fleece, with his stunning brightness, I just can’t wait to see how these girls develop.
Hopefully there’s a supreme champion or two in the making, and then they will be proper Daddies little girls 🙂